Integrating Mind/Body/Emotion

“The issues are in the tissues!”

Your mind is an essential part of who you are, and so are your feelings and body. Integrating the thinking, feeling, and physical aspects of you and connecting to the wisdom and intelligence that each of them holds is a big part of what we’ll do together. Because when you ignore any aspect of yourself, you suffer.

The process of integrating mind, body, and emotions is different for everyone. It’s not a race. Some people are very comfortable with their bodies, and some are not. Some people easily share their thoughts and feelings, while others have more difficulty finding their words or feelings (especially in front of someone else).

We’ll create a map that works for you. I will guide you through simple mindfulness practices to stay connected with these various aspects of yourself – to discover where support is available in the moment.

Eventually, you will experience the freedom that is possible from being more comfortable with whatever arises.

It’s an invitation – No Forcing or Coercion.

We are wired to be “on alert” for danger. But we’re not meant to live in that state of being in a “fight or flight” mode.

If you are always stressed and overwhelmed at work, home, or both, then your nervous system is never resting. Such stress is exhausting, leading to burnout and illness.

In therapy, you will learn to listen to the messages of your body (tension or pain), mind (incessant worry or racing thoughts), or emotions (sadness or anxiety) and how to respond to them in more helpful ways.

You won’t need to hide from, ignore, or push those feelings away any longer.

My mind is like a scary neighborhood. I try not to go there alone.
– Anne Lamott


Learn to respect your body’s needs.

Do you treat your body like a machine or vehicle? Wanting it only to perform well and look good all the time? And if it doesn’t, “bad body!” Western culture teaches us to be disconnected from our bodies, ashamed of them while ignoring their needs, aches, and pains.

“Push through! Try harder!” And we believe there’s something wrong with us when we can’t or don’t want to do that. Disconnecting from what seems to be the source of a lot of pain and shame makes sense.

Developing a different, more kind, and curiously attentive relationship with your body is something I will invite you to do. I’ll start by asking you to notice your breath, letting air in and out of your lungs, a process that continues every minute of every day. Even when you feel unsupported in your life, feeling how your breath supports you helps start integrating your mind, body, and emotions.


Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body.
– James Joyce


Make the connection.

In therapy with me, I will help you discover at your own pace what helps you and what hinders you.

We’ll explore:

  • What keeps you stuck, frozen, or endlessly going around in circles.
  • What helps you remember when you didn’t feel stuck, anxious, and depressed.
  • What helps you to reconnect to feelings of peace, joy, or long-forgotten passion.


Few skills are more essential than the ability to settle your body. When you can settle your body,
you are more likely to be calm, alert, and fully present, no matter what is going on around you.
A calm, settled body is the foundation for health, for healing, for helping others, and for changing the world.

– Resmaa Menakem

Let’s work together to help you find that mind, body, and emotional connection. Contact me today!